Lani Hayduk's Photos



(Please contact me if you see any errors. Thanks!)








Maggie                                            Doug                                                                Kathy   



Mel                                                                             Lois



John                                                  Lani



                   Frank                                                                               Beth



                   Carl                                                                                                     Ricky


Carl                                            Bonnie Kay                                                            Robert









Field trip to the Bridgeport Post Publishing Company 1958





The following five Middlebrook School shopclass photos are from 1959


Bobby Fahy & Vincent Tomcho


Vincent Tomcho & Joe Zingo



Joe Coyne                                               Ricky Barnes, Mel Rowe, Doug Brown                    


Gerry Kundert




Carolyn Lewis' "giant rat" experiment!


Mr. Reitzes, Dick Penkoff, Doug Smith, Ben Malice, Mel Roe, Ron Vernik -  1959


Mr. McCann's science class


                   Lani & Cindy                                                Jane (Andrew Ward)  & Jim                 


 Prom............I think!





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